Hey Everyone, just wanted to show you this cool pose prop that will be available from ::WetCat:: . The prop is a snow mound that comes with two different pose styles, snowboarding and ice climbing. Each style has a few poses to choose from. You can purchase this prop at Winter Trends SL, which runs from December 1st to 14th.
Hat from Argrace - Ribbed Beanie - William
Goggles from Tonktastic - Snow
Bandana from Mortality - Halloween
Jacket from Grasp - Fur Hooded Coat - Black
Turtleneck part of Sleepy Eddy "Pea Coat" - Black
Jeans from Gizza - Baggy - Dirty
Sneakers from 2Real - Low Cuttlerz
Pose Prop from ::WetCat:: - Ice Extreeme ( Winter Trends SL )